Hi Charisma, it's Geno. Remember when you said you'd love to go out with me, but your husband
would get pissed? Now that you've spilt, I figured it would be a good time to
reexamine our options and
insane sexual chemistry/tension. I was thinking that I could buy a case of Schlitz beer and we could drink it while reading comic books. If that's not cool, maybe we could go to Wendy's and stare at the stars on the hood of my Ford, while eating stuff from the 99 cent menu. I expect to hear from you soon.........
People:Charisma Carpenter of
TV's Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel has split from her husband of five years, Damian Hardy, PEOPLE has learned. "They are separated and now living separately," Carpenter's rep Jeff Raymond confirmed Tuesday. Carpenter, 37, and Hardy married on Oct. 5, 2002, and became parents to son
Donavan Charles the following March. Carpenter will next be seen as Christopher Titus' wife in ABC's Big Shots on Dec. 13.