Let's all stand together. New gun legislation shouldn't tear us apart.

I've got a lot of Facebook and Twitter pals that are quite vocal on both sides of the gun control issue. I'm a Democrat and side with most of my liberal friends on most issues. Gun violence is out of control. Both sides can agree on that. Nobody wants to see innocent kids getting killed, people in movie theaters getting killed etc. 

Should we ban everyone from having guns? I don't think so. My relatives and friends who are responsible gun owners should be able to own guns. This goes against what some of my liberal pals think. But do we need tougher gun laws? Of course. Background checks? Of course. Machine gun bans? Of course. Some of my conservative pals are against any gun control legislation. I see pictures of Hitler and Stalin alongside Obama in some Facebook posts. The posts say that Obama is like them because he's trying to take guns away from all his citizens. Bullshit.

Our President is trying to make the country safer. He's doing the best he can by trying to pass laws that keep guns out of the hands of criminals and the mentally ill. He doesn't want to take away YOUR guns. Are you mentally ill or a criminal? No? Then don't worry about it. Our President is a good man. Hitler? Cut the crap.

That brings us to today. Stricter gun control legislation failed in the Senate. Obama spoke to the media and he was ripped.  "All in all, this was a pretty shameful day for Washington."  Damn right. Shameful. Supporting legislation like this doesn't mean you are Anti-American. It doesn't mean you are soft. It doesn't mean you are anti-2nd Amendment. It means you are a kind, smart and responsible human being. I know ALL of my friends are like that....... Right?