I don't care if this makes me unpopular. I just can't get into "Jersey Shore"

I love reality TV. I've seen every episode of every season of "Survivor". The "Amazing Race" kicks ass. I hang on Julie Chen's every word during "Big Brother". I even loved watching "Rock of Love" with Bret Michaels.... I just can't watch "Jersey Shore". I've tried. I mean, the shows stars are everywhere. CNN, TODAY, all over the Grammys etc. Celebs are fawning over the stars. I figured, I must be missing something.....

I tried again. And oh my God, I feel old. Snooki sleeping with a guy she just met a club? She talks to the camera about having her period during the intimate time. Whining about working in a t-shirt shop?....Oh Lord. I just can't take it. I found myself screaming at the TV that no little girls should be watching this crap. I'm sure the cast are nice folks. They all have a bazillion more Twitter followers than I do. I'll never make as much as The Situation is making these days. Am I jealous? Yup. Good luck to you guys. I just won't be watching. And yes, I seem to be the only one.