Paula Abdul says Kara DioGuardi (or anybody else) will not be able to replace her on "American Idol".

I've been watching Idol to see Adam Lambert every week. It's been painful to watch and listen to either Paula or Kara........
Although Paula Abdul's contract is up at the end of this season of "American Idol," the show's original female voice doesn't think that anybody — new judge Kara DioGuardi included — can replace her.
"I don't think anyone [can]," Abdul told ABC News' "Nightline" in an interview that airs Thursday. "First of all, Kara says, 'I could never replace you.' "
DioGuardi might not have her sights set on Abdul's seat, but Paula said she didn't have much say in what she thought about the addition of a fourth judge. "I just got out of the hospital this past August. I had three days to pack and go on the road [for 'Idol' auditions]. I found out on the way to the airport," she said.

She said Randy Jackson "found out hours before me" and "I was surprised, because Simon has always been against the fourth. We've had guest judges come in before, and he banned that from happening anymore."
Abdul did say that she doesn't always see "Idol" in her future. "Whenever there is change, it's not about replacing anybody, it's about possibly moving on," she said, adding, "I love the show, I do. I love what I do on the show, and I'm loving it more this season than ever. It's taken me awhile to get comfortable in my own skin with the show