X-Files sequel finishes shooting in Vancouver.

Where can I start standing in line?
National Post:
The cast and crew of the still-untitled X-Files feature film sequel wrapped up work in Vancouver with a news conference Wednesday, a brief lifting of a curtain of secrecy that the production has maintained through three months of filming.
"We've had lots of paparazzi," said writer-director Chris Carter. "In Langley a couple of days ago a black SUV pulled up on the side of the road and there was a long lens pointed at us."
The next day, pictures of stars David Duchovny and Gillian Anderson, locked in a full-on kiss as FBI agents Fox Mulder and Dana Scully, appeared on Internet fansites alongside breathless speculation about the characters' are-they-or-aren't-they romance.
"We staged that," Mr. Duchovny told reporters at the Sutton Place Hotel, where media were informed Anderson would not attend due to illness.