We sincerely regret that we had to cancel the Casino show on February 24th, due to unsafe conditions. Our first two shows in Chile were wonderful and we love playing for the fantastic fans in Chile. We are looking forward to coming back next year. Journey would like to thank the Promoter and their staff for all their hard work trying to make this show happen. The cancellation was not due to any problems with Journey's equipment but rather the inability of the Casino staff to provide safe power for the show. The deciding factor was when a fire broke out under the stage as a result of a transformer blowing up. Earth Wind and Fire also lost equipment the other night due to power issues. We decided to cancel rather than risk the safety of our fans. Hopefully next year the casino’s power will be sorted out and we can do a show to make up for this one. Once again our sincerest apologies to the fans who were inconvenienced by these unfortunate circumstances!