Primetime heartthrob, John Stamos, is sitting down with “Extra” to describe his most controversial role yet.
Co-starting alongside Sean “P.Diddy” Combs, Stamos reveals how uneasy he was creating his racist character for ABC’s powerful revival of “Raisin in the Sun.”
“You see me sweating and stuff,” he reveals. “It was kind of nerve-wracking!”
John also gushed to “Extra” about his role as the dashing doctor in “ER,” hinting how the writers plan to sex up the drama after a long, cold winter strike.
“It’s just the best job,” he says. “I came from 10 years of saying, ‘Michelle, say poo poo,’ so to get that kind of writing, I feel fortunate. Not that I didn’t love ‘Full House!’”
Co-starting alongside Sean “P.Diddy” Combs, Stamos reveals how uneasy he was creating his racist character for ABC’s powerful revival of “Raisin in the Sun.”
“You see me sweating and stuff,” he reveals. “It was kind of nerve-wracking!”
John also gushed to “Extra” about his role as the dashing doctor in “ER,” hinting how the writers plan to sex up the drama after a long, cold winter strike.
“It’s just the best job,” he says. “I came from 10 years of saying, ‘Michelle, say poo poo,’ so to get that kind of writing, I feel fortunate. Not that I didn’t love ‘Full House!’”