Sigh. Yes I voted for Hillary. Yes, I was touched by her emotional debate speech the other night. But the millionare Clintons want my blogger money? Does Hillary still have a chance? Should I open my piggy bank? Life's little choices............
Dear Geno,
Thursday night in the debate, in one remarkable moment, we saw the kind of president Hillary is going to be -- the strong, compassionate, and brilliant woman who will make us proud as president. Everyone in the upcoming primary states of Ohio, Texas, Rhode Island, and Vermont needs to see that moment. The campaign has put together a 60-second ad with the video, but we cannot run it without your immediate financial support. We need to raise $1.3 million in the next 24 hours to put this ad on the air.Watch the ad and make a contribution to help us get it on the air. We're just 10 days away from a monumental day of voting, one that will decide the outcome of this remarkable contest between two history-making campaigns. The Obama campaign realizes the stakes and is putting it all on the line with a massive advertising campaign. We have to give Hillary the resources she needs to make this a fair fight -- including running the ad based on her amazing moment from Thursday night's debate. We need to raise $1.3 million to get this ad on the air and to match the Obama campaign's ad spending in Ohio, Texas, Rhode Island, and Vermont. We have to reach that goal in the next 24 hours. Watch our new ad and contribute to help us get it on the air in Ohio, Texas, Rhode Island, and Vermont. With your extraordinary help she will win. And knowing that you are there for her now, as you have been throughout this race, means more than you can possibly imagine. We can do this together. Let's keep working.
Bill Clinton