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'VIEW" co-host Sherri Shepherd went flat- earth again yesterday. Seems she forgot that legendary soul singer Patti LaBelle is black.
During yesterday's talk-around - the first few minutes of "The View" where the show's co-hosts chat about the news of the day - Shepherd mentioned that over the weekend she had attended the Stellar Awards, an awards show for gospel singers. At the show, she met Shirley Caesar, another legendary singer, often referred to as the First Lady of Gospel Music.
"There is a picture of me with Shirley Caesar, who is like the black Patti LaBelle," bragged Shepherd.
There was a second of stunned silence before her co-hosts, Whoopi Goldberg, Joy Behar and even Barbara Walters piled on.
"Patti LaBelle is black!" said Golberg.
"But this one is blacker," joked Behar.
"It's a good thing you're not running for office," said Walters. "Because you'd be considered bigoted right now."
"I'd be in so much trouble," squeaked an embarrassed Shepherd.
Shepherd, who replaced Star Jones this year, has been dropping increasingly strange comments since she began appearing on the show in September.
In one instance, she insisted Christianity was older than ancient Greece, and even Judaism. Earlier, she said she didn't know if the world was flat or round.