Curvy songbird Mariah Carey has slammed her ‘Diva ’ reputation, claiming she’s never been difficult to deal with.
The star claims to be baffled by her reputation for Divaesque behaviour as she’s such a nice person in reality.
"I am baffled, shocked and appalled when I am called a diva,” she moans. “I've never done one diva-ish thing in my life. The actual definition of a diva is a woman who sings well.
“The secondary definition is a woman who is difficult to deal with. I hope I am the first, but I really don't think I am the second. I don't believe I am truly nasty and act in a bad way."
In order to prove her point Mariah has also spoken of her new eco-friendly ways - including halving her annual electricity bill by getting some new light bulbs.
“I try not to waste electricity or water,” she explains. “Someone told me about these new light bulbs that last for 10 years and use a fraction of the energy, so I ordered some. I hope to have my bill cut in half by next year."