Actress ELLEN PAGE, who's gained notice for her role in the critically acclaimed comedy 'Juno,' is set to star in DREW BARRYMORE's directorial debut called 'Whip It,' according to Variety. The film, which is set to begin shooting this summer, is about a small town Texas teenager who is always being pressured into entering beauty pageants, but joins a roller derby team instead.
"I really admire how Drew constantly challenges herself as an artist," Page said. "She's proven herself as an actress and a producer, and I have no doubt she'll bring great vision and creativity to the director's chair. I can't wait to kick ass on wheels!"
"I really admire how Drew constantly challenges herself as an artist," Page said. "She's proven herself as an actress and a producer, and I have no doubt she'll bring great vision and creativity to the director's chair. I can't wait to kick ass on wheels!"