She wouldn't.....Would she? Lindsay's money problems are well documented. But I won't believe that she would stoop so low to sell nudie pictures of herself to the highest bidder........But then again, last month she tried to sell pictures of her family at Thanksgiving. She wouldn't.......would she?......................Naaaaaaaa........
Lindsay Lohan is having a bad week. First, her ex-boyfriend Riley Giles (whom she met in rehab and spent Thanksgiving with) told Britain’s News of the World that Lohan “quit coke and got hooked on sex with me,” and now Giles is selling photos he took of Lohan while they were together.
On Dec. 26, dozens of magazine editors awoke to an e-mail from a well-known photo agency. The e-mail included several snapshots of Lohan in various states of undress, and boasted that the pics were “personal photos taken by Riley Giles while he was dating Lindsay Lohan.”
“Say what you will about their relationship, but I don’t think she ever imagined he would do this to her,” a source close to Lohan said. All of Giles’ recent tongue wagging detracts from the fact that Lohan has cleaned up her act considerably. “Lindsay has worked really hard to get clean. She’s finally the ‘old’ Lindsay, and now she’s got to deal with this,” said a pal of Lohan’s.
Lohan and Giles broke off their relationship shortly after Thanksgiving. Since then, Lohan has been spotted out with 24-year-old Spencer Guilbert.