She's still working?
Star Trek" is beaming up Winona Ryder.
Paramount Pictures and director JJ Abrams have set Ryder to play the Vulcan mother of a young Spock (Zachary Quinto).
Scripted by Alex Kurtzman and Roberto Orci, the film revolves around the Starfleet Academy days of the crew of the Starship Enterprise. Chris Pine has been set to play Capt. Kirk, Simon Pegg will play Scotty, Karl Urban is Dr. McCoy and Eric Bana will play the villain, Nero.
Ryder recently wrapped "The Informers," a Gregor Jordan-directed adaptation of the Bret Easton Ellis novel, and the Geoffrey Haley-directed "The Last Word."
She is in pre-production on the Rebecca Miller-directed "Private Lives of Pippa Lee."