Vegetarian and animal lover Christina Applegate is encouraging holiday shoppers not to buy fur for the holidays in a revealing PETA e-card. The Samantha Who? star, 35, tells PETA that her house "has been basically a zoo" since childhood. "Everything I have has dog hair on it, and that’s just the way it is," says the actress, who poses on the card wearing red gloves with green trim – and little else.The card reads, "Cross cruelty off your shopping list by avoiding fur coats, collars, and cuffs (unless it's fake fur of course.)" Applegate says she turned vegetarian during lunch one day on the set of her former sitcom, Married with Children, when she was a teenager. "[I realized] I can't eat something that has been alive," she said. "So I stopped, and that was it. That was the last time."