Star Pulse:
Country music star Gretchen Wilson has defended herself against accusations she became "verbally abusive" to a stewardess on a recent flight to Los Angeles from her native Nashville, Tennessee.
The singer, 34, admits loudly swearing at a member of the cabin staff, but claims she had had enough of being constantly asked to keep her dog in its carrier case.
Wilson says, "I took about three and a half hours of being badgered and I finally said a cuss word, and I said it loud. It all started over keeping my dog under the seat, and there were other dogs on the plane that weren't forced to stay in their kennel but I was being forced to keep my dog in mine. I took about as much as I could take and then I finally cussed her. That's country music!"
She adds, "It's interesting to hear how the story has evolved. I've heard people say I had a pit bull on that flight!"