A veto win, a breakdown and Neil Patrick Harris, oh my!

Last night's Big Brother featured Janelle winning the power of Veto, Danielle getting nominated as her replacement, Danielle going bananas crying and screaming and.........Neil Patrick Harris visiting the house. What more can you ask for? Once again Will & Mike are behind the scenes, lying, charming and scheming as they remain safe. Janelle proved once again that she won't go quietly as last night's Veto was the third she has won. And good ole' Chicken George looks like he'll be safe from the vote as Danielle made everyone scared and uncomfortable...But CBS promises two evictions tomorrow, so who knows what will happen....And yes, BB fan Neil Patrick Harris stopped by the house and gave the houseguests presents. It was a cheesy way for CBS to promote "How I Met Your Mother", but it was fun....How come Neil Patrick Harris never stops by my house to give me presents???? Man what a ripoff....