Christian Bale jokes about losing part of his finger.

He probably bit it off himself......
I ask if I can tape, he says sure, and I’m reaching for the recorder when I notice the mondo Band-Aid on his left index finger. He shrugs, makes a sawing motion over the finger with his other hand, matter-of-factly says, “Cut off the tip.” A kitchen accident, I guess, and am about to move on when it occurs to me: At some point we’re going to talk about his howling four-minute profani-rant at the director of photography on the set of Terminator Salvation last summer—the one that went viral (in both its unabridged and dance-remix versions) after hitting the Web in early February. Of course we are. He knows it. I know it. By way of going there, and in the spirit of just getting through it, I muster a saccharine Stuart Smalley voice and ask if the wound was “really an accident” and if he “has anger.” He says, “Nah,” but the explanation—and much of what he says for the next few minutes—is so mumbly-quiet and sluggishly reserved that only later, when transcribing, do I register the explanation: “motorcycle accident.” Turns out Christian Bale had the tip of his finger surgically reattached several days prior, after lopping it off in a bike crash.