Dennis is big with the ladies and those suffering from dimentia.

I love reading stories about Dennis Kucinich. Not only does Denny come up with some wacky ideas, but he attracts followers who make him look handsome and....intelligent. At a recent Kucinich outing, a poor disillusioned soul was able to utter a truly laughable statement
"I am meeting the next president of the United States in my own backyard," he said. Ummmm. o.k.....
Now, don't get me wrong. I'm a Democrat and I agree with quite a bit of what Denny stands for. But I'm always shocked when he appears without an aluminum foil hat or a cape. God bless Denny and his fanatics...I mean supporters. Keep fighting the good fight! And Denny, try not to get involved with any of those women I call, "Denny Dolls" who are following you around with stars in their sweet eyes....